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What is the most under-rated opportunity manufacturers are not taking advantage of in Australia?

Hear from Industry Experts 

Christian Ruberg, Board member, Robotics Group Australia

Greater use of Australia’s innovation ecosystem and collaboration between colleagues facilitated by the many peak industry bodies serving Australian manufacturing.


Veena Sahajwalla, Director of SMaRT Centre (Sustainable Materials Research & Technology) and Associate Dean (Strategic Industry Relations) faculty of Science, UNSW

Linking waste resource recovery and reformation into new feedstock for remanufacturing of new products needs to be a priority. It continues to be a big focus for us here at the UNSW Sustainable Materials Research and Technology (SMaRT) Centre. Often people think solutions have to be big and at a large scale, but scalability doesn’t always mean bigger. For me the scale has to be fit for purpose. Or, to put it another way, I talk about “economies of purpose” where solutions are designed for local conditions with maximum efficiency, and lower costs, so they can be implemented in a way to reduce risk and optimise the outcome.  Diverting waste so it can become a resource for future remanufacturing needs, particularly that related to making of the electrical components needed for electrification, will help Australia and the world achieve its ambitions around decarbonisation, clean energy and creating circular economies.


Sam While, co-chair, IoTAA Manufacturing Workstream and Kamal Salwan, sub-workstream lead, IoTAA Manufacturing Workstream.

Collaboration with likeminded and complementary partner organisations

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